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The Positive Attitude of Islamic Education Students toward Indonesian Language at the STISIP Amal Ilmiah in Wamena, Papua, Indonesia


The Positive Attitude of Islamic Education Students toward Indonesian Language at the STISIP Amal Ilmiah in Wamena, Papua, Indonesia Vol.  1(1), May 2018

ABSTRACT: This study aims to determine the components of cognitive, affective, and conative attitudes of STISIP YAPIS (College of Social and Political Sciences, Islamic Education Foundation)’s students in Wamena, Jayawijaya Regency, Papua; and their knowing the positive attitude to the Indonesian language. This research was conducted at STISIP YAPIS in Wamena, Papua, Indonesia. The method used in this research is qualitative approach. Instruments research using are observation, interview, and documentation. The result of this research is that the component of cognitive attitude towards Indonesian language is categorized positive; it is seen from the attitude of the students to develop the Indonesian language and use the Indonesian language as the unifying tool of the nation. The component of affective attitude is categorized as positive; it is caused by emotional or feeling of students to maintain the Indonesian language and motivation given by lecturers to keep students using the Indonesian language. Components of conative attitudes are categorized as negative; it is because behavior, inadequacy in Indonesian language causes the deviation from the rules of language, the limitation of language knowledge. The attitudes of STISIP YAPIS students in Wamena, Papua towards the Indonesian language are basically positive, but it is not in line with the attitude to language component. The birth of positive attitude backed by the position of the Indonesian language that serves as a tool of communication in everyday life.

KEY WORDS: Positive and Negative Attitudes; Indonesian Language; Islamic Education Students; Unifying Tool of the Nation.



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